Feb. 2023: The Kyriakidou group will contribute the following presentation in the 2023 Natural Gas Vehicle Technology Forum (NGVTF):
“Hydrothermally Stable and Sulfur Tolerant Pd/Chabazite Catalysts for Low Temperature CH4 Conversion”
(presenter: Tala Mon)

Jan. 2023: We welcome Jacob Concolino in our team!!! Jacob Concolino is a Ph.D. student at UB CBE. Jacob Concolino completed his undergraduate studies at the University of Kentucky (2022) and he graduated summa cum laude. Jacob is the only recipient of a Presidential Fellowship in the Fall 2022 incoming ChemE graduate class. Welcome Jacob!

Nov. 2022: The Kyriakidou group will contribute the following presentations at the 2022 AIChE Annual Meeting:
“Effect of Pd Speciation on CH4 Oxidation and Passive NOx Adsorption/Desorption Performance over Zeolite-based Catalysts”
(presenter: Tala Mon)
“High-Silica Pd/LTA Catalysts for Low Temperature CH4 oxidation”
(presenter: Tala Mon)
“Improving Low-Temperature CH4 Oxidation Performance with High-Silica Pd/CHA Zeolite Catalysts”
(presenter: Jingzhi Liu)

Sept. 2022: Excited about Jesse’s and Kevin’s paper with Dr. Eric Walker on the feasibility of CH4 oxidation on SSZ-13 bridged Pd2Ox sites: A theoretical study being accepted for publication in the Journal of Physical Chemistry C! Congratulations!!!

Sept. 2022: Excited about Jesse’s and Kevin’s paper with Dr. Eric Walker on the feasibility of CH4 oxidation on SSZ-13 bridged Pd2Ox sites: A theoretical study being accepted for publication in the Journal of Physical Chemistry C! Congratulations!!!

Aug. 2022: Thrilled about Junjie Chen‘s paper with Prof. Gang Wu and his team on the generation of hydrogen via NH3 decomposition on highly efficient and stable Ru-free catalysts: Approaching complete conversion at 450 oC published in Energy & Environmental Science!

Aug. 2022: Eleni Kyriakidou gives an invited talk at the ACS Fall 2022 meeting in Chicago, IL entitled “Effect of Pd Speciation on CH4 Oxidation and Passive NOx Adsorption/Desorption Performance over Zeolite-based Catalysts”.

Jul. 2022: Eleni Kyriakidou gives an invited talk at the FlexCat group in Alkegen, Tonawanda, NY, entitled “Three-Way Catalysts: Achieving an Enhanced Low-Temperature Performance and Hydrothermal Stability”.

July 2022: Welcome to Prateek Khatri as a postdoctoral associate researcher in our group! Prateek obtained his PhD from the Chemical Engineering Department at IIT Delhi under the supervision of Prof. Divesh Bhatia.

Jun. 2022: Excited about Junjie Chen‘s co-authored paper with Prof. Mark Swihart and team on a general route to flame aerosol synthesis and in situ functionalization of mesoporous silica being accepted for publication in Angewandte Chemie International Edition!

Jun. 2022: Ruth Bello will participate in the University at Buffalo Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (LSAMP) research internship program for summer 2022 under Dr. Kyriakidou’s mentorship! Way to go Ruth!

May 2022: Congratulations to Junjie Chen for receiving a CBE Outstanding Dissertation Award! Way to go, Junjie!

May 2022: Congratulations to Junjie Chen for being selected as a recipient of a UB Dean’s Graduate Achievement Award. This award honors exceptional graduate students who have distinguished themselves through excellence in research! Very well-deserved, Junjie!

May 2022: Congratulations to Junjie Chen on his co-authored paper with Prof. Mark Swihart and team on the production of ultrastable Ni-ZrO2 nanoshell catalysts for dry reforming of methane by flame synthesis and Ni exsolution being accepted for publication in Chem Catalysis!

May 2022: Congratulations to Jesse Canavan for receiving the UB CBE Senior Academic Excellence Award! A well-deserved honor!

May 2022: The Kyriakidou group will contribute the following presentations at the 27th North American Catalysis Society Meeting in May 2022:
“Novel Configured Low-Temperature Diesel Oxidation and Three-Way Catalysts for Emission Control Applications” (Keynote Lecture)
(presenter: Eleni A. Kyriakidou)
“High-Silica Pd/LTA Catalysts for Low Temperature CH4 oxidation”
(presenter: Tala Mon)
“Designing Pd/CHA Zeolite Catalysts for Complete Methane Oxidation”
(presenter: Jingzhi Liu)
“Engineering Hydrothermally Stable Pt/CeO2-Al2O3 Nanosheet Catalysts for TWC Applications”
(presenter: Todd J. Toops)
“Methane Oxidation on SSZ-13 Bridged Pd2Ox Sites”
(presenter: Eleni A. Kyriakidou)

April 2022: Tala Mon received a Graduate Student Association (UB) Travel Award for attending the 27th North American Catalysis Society Meeting in New York, NY. Congrats Tala!

Mar. 2022: Welcome to Alexis Sill-Ruiz a UB CBE sophomore as a Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (LSAMP) researcher! Welcome Alexis!

Mar. 2022: Excited about Jungkuk’s paper focused on the effect of cobalt incorporation on the stability of ionic Pd in the presence of carbon monoxide over Pd/BEA passive NOx adsorbers being accepted for publication in the Chemical Engineering Journal! Congrats Jungkuk, Junjie, Kevin, Tala, Judy, and Eric!

Mar. 2022: Eleni Kyriakidou is selected to receive the 2021 SEAS Early Career Researcher of the Year award.

Mar. 2022: The Kyriakidou group will contribute the following presentation at the ACS Spring 2022 meeting in March 2022:
“Breaking the NOx Desorption Temperature Limit to Pd/BEA Passive NOx Adsorbers by Second Metal Incorporation”
(presenter: Eleni A. Kyriakidou)
“Hydrothermally Stable Pd,Pt/SiO2@Zr Core@Shell Catalysts for Diesel Oxidation Applications”
(presenter: Eleni A. Kyriakidou)

Feb. 2022: Welcome to Scott Coia, a B.S. Chemical Engineering and B.A. Mathematics UB undergraduate student graduating in May 2023, as a new researcher in our group! Welcome Scott!

Jan. 2022: Congratulations to Junjie Chen for becoming the 2nd PhD student to graduate from the group! We wish him every success in his next position as a postdoctoral scholar at Stanford University in Prof. Thomas Jaramillo’s group.

Dec. 2021: Thrilled to announce that MAHLE Powertrain, Oak Ridge National Lab, and UB have been selected for funding through ARPA-E’s REMEDY program. More on our efforts to reduce methane emissions here. Thanks ARPA-E!

Dec. 2021: Ph.D. candidate Junjie Chen was invited to present his research at the Fall 2021 CBE PhD seminar series, and he was awarded with an outstanding presentation certificate.

Nov. 2021: The Kyriakidou group will contribute the following presentations at the hybrid AIChE Annual Conference in November 2021:
“Novel Configured Pt/CeO2(core)@ZrO2(shell) Supported Three-Way Catalysts”
(presenter: Judy Liu)
“Flame Aerosol Synthesis of Stable Ni/ZrO2 Nanocatalyst for Dry Reforming of Methane”
(presenter: Shuo Liu)
“Effect of Cobalt Incorporation on the Stability of Ionic Pd in the Presence of Carbon Monoxide over Pd/BEA Passive NOx Adsorbers”
(presenter: Junjie Chen)
“Pt-CeO2-Al2O3 Nanosheet Catalysts with Enhanced Lean/Rich Hydrothermal Aging Stability for TWC Applications”
(presenter: Junjie Chen)
“Effect of Na in Low Temperature CH4 Oxidation over Pd/H-SSZ-13”
(presenter: Tala Mon)
“Methane Oxidation on Pd/SSZ-13 Active Sites: A Computational Study”
(presenter: Eric Walker)
“Flame Aerosol Synthesis of Mesoporous Silica for Application in CO2 Oxidative Dehydrogenation of Propane”
(presenter: Shuo Liu)

Oct. 2021: Welcome to Ruth Bello an undergraduate junior pursuing a B.S. in Chemical Engineering at UB, as a new researcher in our group! Welcome Ruth!

Oct. 2021: Congratulations to Junjie Chen, Kevin Giewont, Jungkuk Lee, and our collaborators (Eric A. Walker, Yubiao Niu), on our paper discussing cobalt-induced PdO formation in low-loading Pd/BEA catalysts for CH4 oxidation being accepted in ACS Catalysis! Congrats Junjie!

Oct. 2021: Eleni Kyriakidou gives an invited talk at the Department of Chemistry at SUNY Buffalo State College, Buffalo, NY, entitled “Toward Rational Synthesis of Catalysts for Low Temperature Emissions Control”.

Sept. 2021: Congratulations to Jungkuk Lee, Kevin Giewont, Junjie Chen, Judy Liu, and Eric A. Walker on our paper discussing the adsorption of C2H4 and C7H8 on Ag/ZSM-5 under cold-start conditions being accepted in Microporous and Mesoporous Materials! Congrats Jungkuk!

Sept. 2021: Eleni Kyriakidou gives an invited talk at the 24th Cross-Cut Lean Exhaust Emissions Reduction Simulations (CLEERS) Workshop, virtual, entitled “Novel Structured Low-Temperature Oxidation Catalysts for Future Emission Control Applications” (Stuart Daw Memorial Presentation).

Sept. 2021: The Kyriakidou group will contribute the following presentation at the virtual 24th Cross-Cut Lean Exhaust Emissions Reduction Simulations (CLEERS) Workshop in September 2021:
“Improved Low Temperature CH4 Oxidation over Pd/H-LTA with Si/Al>8”
(presenter: Tala Mon)

Aug. 2021: Junjie Chen gives an invited talk at the ACS National Meeting in the Current Progress in Emission Control Catalysis session (Hybrid – Atlanta, GA and Online):
“Pt-CeO2-Al2O3 nanosheet catalysts with enhanced lean/rich hydrothermal aging stability for TWC applications”

Jul. 2021: Angela Aguirre is presenting her work on “Utilizing Palladium Oxide Catalysts to Decrease Methane Emissions” at the UB Undergraduate Conference as part of her LSAMP Summer Research Internship, virtual, July 22, 2021. Congrats Angela!!

Jul. 2021: Excited to share Junjie’s new publication in collaboration with Tim Buchanan, Eric A. Walker, Todd J. Toops, Zhenglong Li, and Pranaw Kunal on using experiments and theory for elucidating the CH4 combustion mechanism over Ni/CeO2 catalysts published in ACS Catalysis! Congrats Junjie!

Jun. 2021: Congratulations to Kevin Giewont and our collaborator, Eric A. Walker, on our paper investigating potential active sites for the methane oxidation reaction on Pd/SSZ-13 using DFT being accepted in the Journal of Physical Chemistry C!

Jun. 2021: Welcome to Angela Aguirre a UB undergraduate student as a summer researcher in our group as part of the Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (LSAMP) program! Welcome Angela!

Jun. 2021: Congratulations to Judy Liu and Junjie Chen, and our collaborators (Todd Toops, Jae-Soon Choi, Cyril Thomas, Michael Lance) on our paper describing the development of hydrothermally stable Pd/SiO2@Zr core@shell catalysts for diesel oxidation applications being accepted in Chemical Engineering Journal!

Jun. 2021: Congratulations to Judy Liu and Junjie Chen, and our collaborators (Todd Toops, Jae-Soon Choi, Cyril Thomas, Michael Lance) on our paper describing the development of hydrothermally stable Pd/SiO2@Zr core@shell catalysts for diesel oxidation applications being accepted in Chemical Engineering Journal!

May 2021: The Kyriakidou group will contribute the following presentation in the virtual 2021 Natural Gas Vehicle Technology Forum (NGVTF):
“Development of Zeolite-based Catalysts with Improved Low Temperature CH4 Conversion”
(presenter: Tala Mon)

Mar. 2021: Congratulations to Junjie Chen on his co-authored paper with our UB collaborators (Mark Swihart, Mohammad Moein Mohammadi and team) on single-step flame aerosol synthesis of active and stable nanocatalysts for the dry reforming of methane accepter in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces!

Mar. 2021: Congratulations to Judy Liu on receiving a UB Mark Diamond Research Award to cover research expenses related to her Ph.D. Thesis (Uniquely Structured Catalysts for Vehicle Emissions Remediation)! Congrats Judy!

Mar. 2021: Eleni Kyriakidou co-authors an article with Todd Toops and the ORNL team on analyzing ion-exchanged ZSM-5, BEA, and SSZ-13 zeolite trapping materials under realistic exhaust conditions in Catalysts.

Mar. 2021: The Kyriakidou group will contribute the following flash talk poster presentations at the virtual Catalysis Society of Metro New York (NYCS) meeting in March 2021:
“Investigation of Potential Active Sites for the Methane Oxidation Reaction on Pd/SSZ-13”
(presenter: Kevin Giewont)
“Hydrothermally Stable Pd/SiO2@Zr Core@Shell Catalysts for Diesel Oxidation Applications”
(presenter: Judy Liu)
“Cobalt Induced PdO Formation in Low-Loading Pd/BEA Catalysts for CH4 Oxidation”
(presenter: Junjie Chen)

Mar. 2021: Eleni Kyriakidou receives a subaward extension from Oak Ridge National Laboratory to continue supporting research on the development of low temperature hydrothermally stable catalysts for emissions control. We thank ORNL for this support and the contributions of all group members, past and present.

Mar. 2021: Congratulations to Jungkuk Lee for successfully defending his Ph.D. thesis! We wish him all the best in his next position at Iowa State University as a postdoctoral research associate under the supervision of Dr. Wenzhen Li!

Feb. 2021: We welcome Jesse Canavan as a new undergraduate researcher into the group!

Nov. 2020: The Kyriakidou group will contribute the following presentations in the virtual 2020 AIChE Annual Meeting:
“Ag Ion-Exchanged ZSM-5 Zeolites for Hydrocarbon Trapping Applications”
(presenter: Jungkuk Lee)
“Investigation of Potential Active Sites for the Methane Oxidation Reaction on Pd/SSZ-13”
(presenter: Eric A. Walker)
“Modeling Adsorption Capacity of Ag/SSZ-13 Zeolite: A Bayesian Update from Experiments”
(presenter: Eric A. Walker)
“Bimetallic PdCo/BEA Zeolites for Passive NOx Adsorption”
(presenter: Jungkuk Lee)
“Cobalt as an Efficient Promoter in Low-Loading Pd/BEA Catalysts for CH4 Oxidation”
(presenter: Junjie Chen)
“Boron-Hyperdoped Silicon for the Selective Oxidative Dehydrogenation of Propane to Propylene”
(presenter: Junjie Chen)

Oct. 2020: Congratulations to Junjie Chen for receiving a Travel Award from the Catalysis and Reaction Engineering (CRE) Division to attend the 2020 virtual AIChE annual conference!

Oct. 2020: New publication led by Judy on the non-catalytic gas phase NO oxidation in the presence of decane is now available online in Fuel. Congrats to Judy, Kevin & Caitlin! Research funded by U.T. Battelle.

Sep. 2020: The Kyriakidou group participate in the virtual 2020 CLEERS Workshop contributing the following presentations:
“Cobalt as an Efficient Promoter in Low-Loading Pd/BEA Catalysts for CH4 Oxidation“
(presenter: Junjie Chen)
“Bimetallic PdCo/BEA Zeolites for Passive NOx Adsorption”
(presenter: Eleni A. Kyriakidou)
“Non-Catalytic Gas Phase NO Oxidation in the Presence of Decane”
(presenter: Judy Liu)
“Hydrothermally Stable Pd and Pt/CeO2@ZrO2(shell) Catalysts for Low Temperature TWC Applications”
(presenter: Judy Liu)

Sep. 2020: The Kyriakidou group will contribute the following presentations at the virtual 11th International Conference of Environmental Catalysis:
“Bimetallic PdCo/BEA Zeolites for Passive NOx Adsorption”
(presenter: Jungkuk Lee)
“A detailed kinetic study of the complete combustion of methane over Ni/CeO2 catalysts”
(presenter: Junjie Chen)
“Low temperature emissions reduction with zeolite-based adsorbers and novel Pd/Pt based oxidation catalysts”
(presenter: Todd J. Toops)

Aug. 2020: Congratulations to Caitlin Horvatits, Jungkuk Lee and our collaborator Eric Walker on our paper detailing the characterization of adsorption sites on Ag/SSZ-13 zeolites: experimental observations and bayesian inference being accepted in the Journal of Physical Chemistry C!

Jul. 2020: Congratulations to Junjie Chen on his paper regarding the methane combustion over Ni/CexZr1-xO2 catalysts: impact of ceria/zirconia ratio being accepted in ChemCatChem!

Jul. 2020: Congratulations to Junjie Chen and our collaborators at the University at Buffalo (Mark Swihart, Parham Rohani), Oak Ridge National Lab (Todd Toops, Michael Lance) and University of South Carolina (Stavros Karakalos) on our paper describing how boron-hyperdoped silicon catalysts show >6 times higher propylene productivity than commercial h-BN towards the selective oxidative dehydrogenation of propane to propylene. The manuscript is accepted in Chemical Communications!

Jun. 2020: The Kyriakidou group will contribute the following presentations at the 17th International Congress on Catalysis in San Diego, CA (canceled)
“A Kinetic Study of Methane Combustion over Ni/CeO2 Based Catalysts”
(presenter: Eleni A. Kyriakidou)
“Trapping Properties of Ag/SSZ-13 Zeolite: Modeling Adsorption Capacity”
(presenter: Eric A. Walker)
“Low temperature emissions reduction with zeolite-based adsorbers and novel Pd/Pt based oxidation catalysts”
(presenter: Todd J. Toops)

May 2020: Congratulations to Jungkuk Lee on his co-authored paper with Todd Toops, Michael Lance and Jae-Soon Choi from Oak Ridge National Laboratory on a comparative study of silver- and palladium-exchanged zeolites in propylene and nitrogen oxide adsorption and desorption for cold-start applications being accepted in Catalysis Today!

Apr. 2020: Junjie Chen receives the UB Mark Diamond Research Award to cover research expenses for the “Atomically dispersed Pt catalyst for low temperature diesel oxidation applications” project! Congrats Junjie!

Mar. 2020: Congratulations to Caitlin Horvatits on her paper with our UB collaborator, Eric A. Walker, on a DFT study of ethylene and water co-adsorption on Ag/SSZ-13 zeolites being accepted in the Journal of Physical Chemistry C!

Dec. 2019: Tala Mon welcome to our group! Tala immigrated from Myanmar in 2001 and settled in Buffalo, NY. He went to NYU Tandon School of Engineering where he obtained his B.S. in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering in 2016. Tala joined the graduate program at the Chemical and Biological Engineering Department at the University at Buffalo and he obtained his M.S. in 2019. Tala joins our group as a Ph.D. student!

Nov. 2019: We welcome Kevin Giewont in our group! Kevin completed his undergraduate at UB earning a Bachelor’s in Chemical Engineering and graduated in the spring of 2019. He plans on completing a master’s thesis involving heterogeneous catalysts while utilizing computational techniques. Welcome Kevin!

Nov. 2019: The Kyriakidou group participates in the 2019 AIChE Annual Meeting contributing the following oral presentations:
“Trapping Properties of Ag/SSZ-13 Zeolite: Modeling Adsorption Capacity”
(presenter: Eric A. Walker)
“A Detailed Kinetics Study for Complete Methane Combustion over Ni/CexZr1-xO2 Catalysts”
(presenter: Junjie Chen)
“Controlled Synthesis of High Surface Area Pd and Pt/SiO2(core)@ZrO2(shell) Catalysts for Low Temperature Oxidation Applications”
(presenter: Judy Liu)
“Complete Methane Combustion over Ni/CexZr1-xO2 Catalysts”
(presenter: Junjie Chen)

Oct. 2019: Eleni Kyriakidou was awarded a U.S. patent on the development of durable exhaust treatment catalysts with improved low temperature performance.

Oct. 2019: Junjie Chen and Judy Liu received Graduate Student Association (UB) Travel Awards for attending the 2019 AIChE Annual Meeting in Orlando, FL. Congrats Junjie and Judy!

Oct. 2019: Junjie Chen and Judy Liu received Graduate Student Association (UB) Travel Awards for attending the 2019 AIChE Annual Meeting in Orlando, FL. Congrats Junjie and Judy!

Oct. 2019: Ph.D. candidate Junjie Chen was selected to present his recent research entitled “Complete Combustion of Methane over Ni/CeO2-based Catalysts: A Kinetic Study” at the 2019 CBE Annual Research Symposium.

Sep. 2019: Eleni Kyriakidou is selected to receive a U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) –National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) award to research the development of zeolite-based catalysts with improved low temperature CH4 conversion. We are grateful to DOE-NREL for this recognition and support.

Sep. 2019: The Kyriakidou group participates in the 2019 CLEERS Workshop contributing the following poster presentations:
“Low Temperature Methane Combustion over Palladium Ion-Exchanged Zeolites”
(presenter: Judy Liu)
“Controlled Synthesis of High Surface Area Pd and Pt/SiO2(core)@ZrO2(shell) Catalysts for Low Temperature Oxidation Applications”
(presenter: Judy Liu)
“Bimetallic Pd-Co/BEA Zeolites for Passive NOx Adsorption”
(presenter: Jungkuk Lee)
“Ag Ion-Exchanged ZSM-5 Zeolites for Hydrocarbon Trapping Applications”
(presenter: Jungkuk Lee)

Aug. 2019: Congratulations to Jungkuk Lee for receiving a Graduate Student Association (UB) Travel Award to present his research at the 2019 CLEERS Workshop in Ann Arbor, Michigan.

Jun. 2019: Junjie Chen participates in the NAM26 meeting contributing a poster presentation entitled “Complete methane combustion over Ni/CexZr1-xO2 catalysts”.

May 2019: Tim Buchanan joins our lab as a new undergraduate researcher. Welcome Tim!

May 2019: Congratulations to Ben Carlson for receiving the UB Chemical and Biological Engineering Senior Leadership Award! A well-deserved honor!

Jan. 2019: Caitlin Horvatits joins our lab as a MSc student. Welcome Caitlin!

Dec. 2018: Eleni Kyriakidou receives an award from Oak Ridge National Laboratory to support research into the development of catalytic materials with enhanced low temperature oxidation performance.

Dec. 2018: Ph.D. candidate Jungkuk Lee was awarded with an outstanding presentation certificate at the Fall 2018 CBE PhD seminar. Great job Jungkuk!!

Oct. 2018: Jungkuk Lee publishes new review article in collaboration with Joe Theis from Ford. This review article focuses on the state-of-the-art of hydrocarbon and NOx trapping materials, two cutting-edge technologies for exhaust emission control.

Jun.2018: Congratulations to Yiran Chen for becoming the first MSc student to graduate from the group! Great work Yiran!

Jun. 2018: We welcome Ben Carlson as a new undergraduate researcher in the group!

Dec. 2017: We welcome Phoenix Huo in our team!!! Phoenix Huo is a MSc student at UB CBE. Phoenix Huo completed his undergraduate studies at the Central South University, China 2017.

Oct. 2017: Lakshay Chopra received a Center for Undergraduate Research & Creative Activities (CURCA) award for conducting research on the use of chabazite zeolites as HC/NOx trapping materials in our team! Congrats Lakshay!!

Sep. 2017: Eleni Kyriakidou receives a sub-award from Oak Ridge National Laboratory to support research into the direct catalytic conversion of methane to ethanol.

Aug. 2017: Eleni Kyriakidou gives an invited talk at the 254th ACS National Meeting in the Advanced Nanomaterials Catalysts for Sustainable Energy & Fuel session (Washington, DC).

Jun. 2017: Congratulations to Yuhan Mei and Yiran Chen for receiving the UB Mark Diamond Research Award for research expenses related to their thesis!!

Jun. 2017: Congratulations to Yuhan Mei and Yiran Chen for receiving the UB Mark Diamond Research Award for research expenses related to their thesis!!

Apr. 2017: Eleni Kyriakidou gives an invited talk at the Department of Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering at UB.

Mar. 2017: Eleni Kyriakidou gives an invited talk at the annual Symposium of the Catalysis Society of Metro New York (NYCS).

Feb. 2017: We welcome Lakshay Chopra in our team!!! Lakshay is an undergraduate student at UB CBE.

Feb. 2017: We welcome Christine Ma in our team!!! Christine is an undergraduate Honors student at UB CBE.

Jan. 2017: We welcome Junjie Chen in our team!!! Junjie is a Ph.D. student at UB CBE. Junjie completed his undergraduate studies in Zhejiang University of Technology, China in 2012. He got his M.S. degree in Zhejiang University, China in 2016.

Jan. 2017: We welcome Jungkuk Lee in our team!!! Jungkuk is a Ph.D. student at UB CBE. Jungkuk completed his undergraduate studies in Sejong University, South Korea in 2012. He got his M.S. degree in University of Science and Technology, South Korea in 2014.

Jan. 2017: We welcome Ned (Edward) Porock in our team!!! Ned is a MSc student at UB CBE. Ned completed his undergraduate studies at the University at Buffalo in 2016.

Jan. 2017: We welcome Yiran Chen in our team!!! Yiran is a MSc student at UB CBE. Yiran completed his undergraduate studies at the University at Buffalo in 2016.